Thursday, July 30, 2009

The passionate child

Every mom knows that melting feeling you get in your heart when you look into your child's bright eyes and they grin from ear to ear, beaming with happiness and love. Luckily, not every mother knows the pain - of feeling the melting heart, bending forward for a kiss and getting smacked right in the face. She, or he in my case, is the "passionate child". Passionate children have the highest of highs. They are easily pleased, smile often and charm strangers at the grocery store. Passionate children also have meltdowns at the drop of a hat, express themselves loudly and always seem to find mischief.

The following tidbits are true accounts of my fourth born child:

-one night while bathing he dumped an entire bottle of son #1's Axe Body Wash into the tub, creating a very scented and slippery tubby; while I was sopping up bubbles he ran to his room in a towel and peed on the carpeted floor
-I came home from work one day and asked our child care provider if she was getting a sore on her lip. "No" she replied, "I got head butted today" - while hugging my son
-on a warm summer night I ran across the hall to get prescription diaper cream and returned moments later to find him covered from head to toe on one side of his body in Desitin (not easily washed off)
-playing in big brother's room resulted in first a highlighter scribbled all over the wall; then, when climbing the bunk ladder was mastered a red permanent marker on the crisp white ceiling
-he has been known on numerous occasions to silently (which does not even seem possible) disappear out the front door to be found in places like the front seat of my van, playing in the garage, riding on the lawn tractor
-while cleaning up the front yard my husband discovered rocks sticking out of the oil pipe leading to our furnace
-while helping me clean his sisters bedroom he threw away some trash then dumped the bathroom trash can over and floated some toys in the toilet; while I cleaned this up he launched a toy off the top of the balcony and laughed as it smashed on the landing below

This is just a handful of the battles with my "beast", as I lovingly call him, and I'm sure if you have a passionate child you can relate. If you don't have a passionate child you may want to watch the movie Dennis the Menace and decide if you're ready to go on this roller coaster ride of parenting the passionate child.

"believe in your dreams for all dreams can come true"
-dr. mom of 4

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